Appareo’s Gateway 360 Bridges the Off-Highway Connectivity Gap for Heavy Machinery

Appareo’s Gateway 360 Bridges the Off-Highway Connectivity Gap for Heavy Machinery

Appareo’s new Gateway 360 keeps deployed assets connected through both local infrastructure and the Iridium satellite constellation Iridium partner Appareo has released the Gateway 360, an edge computing platform for assets and machinery deployed off the grid....

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Introducing the HawkEye 5500 Vehicle Fleet Management Solution for Mission-Critical Operations Monitoring

Introducing the HawkEye 5500 Vehicle Fleet Management Solution for Mission-Critical Operations Monitoring

HawkEye 5500 is a first-of-its-kind dual-mode vehicle tracking system that fully integrates with on-board vehicle systems Iridium partner Blue Sky Network has introduced the HawkEye 5500 (HE5500) vehicle management solution featuring first-of-its-kind full integration...

Over-the-Horizon Naval Gunfire Scoring & Simulation System to be Commissioned by UK Royal Navy

Over-the-Horizon Naval Gunfire Scoring & Simulation System to be Commissioned by UK Royal Navy

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  • Iridium Announces Second-Quarter 2020 Results; Updates 2020 Outlook
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  • Iridium Announces Release Date For Second-Quarter 2020 Financial Results
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